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FacilitatorFunchal, Portugal

I help women create new life chapters grounded in heart centred trust, creativity and ease without abandoning their wisdom and femininity.

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active birthing and hypnobirthing teacher bodywork SOMA Breath Coaching Dance doula Feng Shui guided visualisation pre-natal massage Reflexology womens circles 3 more
AJ Howard-Dobson
I love to build communities and create spaces that bring people together.
Maša Nobilo
Maša wears many embodiment-related hats: she helps people be playful, strong and boundaried through AcroYoga; versatile, compassionate and resilient through Embodied Facilitation; mobile and receptive
Sarah Linhares
Sarah Linhares is a Canadian Madeiran creator, artist, healer, and guide who facilitates transformational experiences. She works with energy, reiki, astrology, dance, voice, and meditation

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