Features you would love to see

Forums Community Website Feedback Features you would love to see

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    • #241949
      AJ Howard-Dobson

      Please share with us the features you would love to see on the website.

    • #242194
      Natasha Schon

      I’m not sure if this is the right place to put it but in the profile, I’d love to know these things about a member:

      – Are they hosting events? Can I quickly see an overview of them?
      – What skills do they have versus what skills do they want to learn?
      – Maybe there’s a way to guide the information people share about themselves when they sign up. Example: in your profile, share what your purpose is, what you can offer to the community, and what you’re looking for in the community.
      – Maybe a section of resources that this person has: website, social accounts, books, pdfs, recordings, etc.
      – Right now, the album and image feature seems to have quite a big part of the profile. Pictures are amazing but probably not the main purpose of this profile.

      • #242264
        AJ Howard-Dobson

        I love all of this, thank you!

        You can see the events a facilitator is running at the bottom of their main profile page, e.g. https://flourish.pt/user/alaistair/

        I’ll add the other features to our dev list and let you know when they’ve been added 🙂

    • #242199
      Natasha Schon

      The sign-up email design can be improved – add the Flourish colors! We can also add introduction text that is inviting. Although these are details that can be added along the way 😉

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